Disaster Mental Health Information
Disaster Mental Health Information
These guidelines were developed by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) to enable humanitarian actors to plan, establish, and coordinate a minimum set of multi-sectoral responses aimed at protecting and improving the mental health and psychosocial well-being of people during emergencies.
The guidelines include an overview of mental health in emergencies, evaluation scales, methods for utilizing human resources, community-based support, hygiene management, and education. They also provide essential advice to promote an integrated approach to addressing the most urgent mental health and psychosocial issues in emergency situations.
This guide, developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), focuses on “Psychological First Aid,” which provides humane, supportive, and practical assistance to people facing severe crisis situations. It is written for those in positions to support individuals who have experienced highly distressing events, offering a framework for providing aid that respects their dignity, culture, and abilities. Despite its name, Psychological First Aid encompasses both social and psychological support. The guide includes chapters on understanding Psychological First Aid, the attitude and approach of helpers, and practical applications of the knowledge gained.